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Craiova International Airport serves both passenger traffic and aircraft movements in the South-West area of Romania. Craiova International Airport has modern infrastructure, the main concerns being related to the continuous increase in the quality of the services provided, the conditions for the arrival, departure and ground handling of aircraft in national and/or international traffic, the provision of airport services for the transit of people, goods and post, as well as services of national public interest, protecting at the same time the natural resources of the environment.


The services offered by Craiova International Airport include:

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Embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and luggage, Craiova Airport having the capacity to offer a helping hand for 600 passengers / hour, having all the necessary facilities.

The necessary assistance equipment is:
Charter Flights
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Craiova International Airport
History of the Airport

In 1938, on January 27, Carol II decreed the establishment of "an airport in Craiova, which will also serve as a military airfield, in case of war...". Starting from that year, the Craiova Airport "affected to the public air transport of passengers and cargo" operated on the current location. At that time, take-off and landing were done on a dirt runway measuring 1000 x 200 m. Between 1938 and 1956, passenger services were virtually non-existent, lacking the comfort that passengers enjoy today. Between 1950 and 1952, a concrete runway with dimensions of 2000 x 60 m was built and the first facilities were made with means of approach and landing consisting of 2 NDBs. On May 6, 1957, the first air line was opened, Craiova - Bucharest, with Russian LI-2 airplanes. In 1959, the building where the control tower and the airport dispatcher are located today was built, and AN-2 airplanes were used until 1962 when the use of modern, for those years, IL-14 type airplanes began. This type of aircraft served the Craiova - Bucharest route until 1972. Also in the period 1959 - 1972, the runway was extended to the dimensions of 2500 x 60 m and a taxiway of 380 x 14 m and a platform for boarding - disembarking were built of 75 x 110 m, both made of concrete.

Between 1972 and 1989, the Craiova - Bucharest route was served by AN - 24 and IL - 18 aircraft, the technical body, the passenger waiting room, the emission center and the protocol lounge of the airport were built. The revolution of 1989 and the transition to a market economy in Romania led to a decrease in the number of TAROM company flights, which meant the cessation of regular domestic flights starting in 1994. From 1995, Craiova Airport was opened to domestic and international traffic, serving only charter flights. Starting from March 29, 2007, Carpatair flights on the Craiova-Timisoara connection were officially launched, to 15 destinations in Italy, Greece and Germany. The entire developing region of SW Romania will have at its disposal the fastest and most comfortable transport route to other destinations in Europe

We offer you the best benefits:


Until now, following an investment of 8 million euros, the airport has been equipped with separate terminals for arrivals and departures, internationally standardized security equipment, comfortable waiting rooms, green spaces and parking lots, as well as areas intended for the installation of agents economical. A PSI shed was built, with a water tank of 225 cubic meters and a fire ring for the embarkation/disembarkation platform, an investment of approx. 900,000 euros. A hangar was set up to European standards, on an area of 800 m, which houses the SMURD helicopter that serves rescue missions throughout the Oltenia region.


Embarkation/disembarkation of passengers and luggage, Craiova Airport having the capacity to offer handling assistance for 600 passengers per hour, having all the necessary facilities. Equipment for handling assistance: 4 self-propelled passenger ladders, de-icers, aircraft starting groups, emptying truck, potable water supply truck, airplane tractor, 2 passenger buses, ambulift, aircraft air conditioner, airstarter, air conditioner for engines and aircraft wheels, baggage lanes, electocar luggage, luggage trolleys, aircraft towing equipment (pushback-towbarless), 3 minibuses for luggage/passenger transport, ambulance; Craiova Airport is certified for de-icing/anti-icing operations, having two special vehicles with fluid type I - II; The airport has 2 special trucks with water and foam for CAT 7 firefighting services; Craiova Airport provides medical services, handling, transportation to and from the city, hotel reservations, contacts with operators in the area, medical insurance services, etc.

Craiova International Airport

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